Are you interested in ways to reduce energy bills in your Quincy, IL, home this summer? There are five ways you can proactively take control of how much your family pays on utilities each month.

Change Your Filters

You need to change your air filters regularly to keep your air conditioner working well and avoid needing a replacement. Filters get clogged over time with dirt, dust and pet hair. Replace the filters every 30 to 90 days as needed.

Another tip to keep your energy bills lower is to vacuum out the HVAC vents periodically. Pay attention to the outdoor AC unit, too. Remove any debris making contact with the unit.

Unplug Unused Appliances

Phantom charging occurs when you leave everything in your home plugged in. This process drives up your power bill. Keep anything you’re not using unplugged.

Avoid Extremely Low Home Temperatures

Keeping your home at frigid air temperatures drives the utility bill up. Try other measures to cool down after coming in from the heat. Using a cold compress, drinking an icy beverage or changing into lighter clothing will cool you down without raising the energy bill.

Keep The Thermostat Settings Relatively Consistent

It’s a good idea to adjust your home’s temperature based on your schedule. For example, raise the thermostat setting a bit at night or when you’re not home.

Don’t raise the thermostat too high when you’re away because you’ll be tempted to bring the temperature setting down drastically when you return. This causes the AC unit to work harder and results in higher energy costs, and doesn’t cool your home any faster. One easy way to automate temperature settings is to invest in a smart thermostat.

Get An HVAC System Tune-up

One of the most effective ways to keep your energy bills down is to schedule an HVAC tune-up before the hottest days of summer hit town. A tune-up increases your AC unit’s efficiency, which has a direct impact on utility costs.

If you’re ready to schedule a tune-up on your HVAC system, give us a call at Air Specialists Heating and Air Conditioning. We’ll be happy to set up an appointment at your convenience and answer any questions.

Image provided by iStock

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