Air conditioning systems help you live comfortably in your home during the hot summer months. There are circumstances when your air conditioning system can actually be contributing to your poor health though. The following are some of the possible signs that your AC is making you and your loved ones sick.

Respiratory Problems from Air Conditioning

In most circumstances, AC systems are helpful for individuals who already have respiratory problems. They are not so great, however, if there is spore growth and bacteria in your home because the air conditioner will recirculate these spores and germs throughout your home, increasing the chances that they’ll get into your respiratory system.


If you become congested, dizzy or have a headache after sitting in the air conditioning, the cold air may cause your body to become too cool, which could contribute to these problems. You might want to try to turn up your thermostat, and if that doesn’t work, then our professionals can help you find and maintain the optimum temperature for your home.

Dry Skin

While you’re probably familiar with getting dry skin in the wintertime when you have your heat settings turned up, warm environments aren’t the only places where your skin can become dehydrated. You can also become dehydrated in an environment that is too cold. A cold environment, like the one that an air conditioner can create, can make your skin and mucus membranes dry out, but you can lessen the likelihood of this happening by drinking more water.

Preventing Air Conditioning Sickness

Contact our professionals at Air Specialists Heating and Air Conditioning if your system seems to be making you sick. We are able to inspect the air quality in your home and make the necessary improvements. We can also inspect your AC system to ensure it is working properly. Call Air Specialists Heating and Air Conditioning today for more information on our services.

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